Explorations in libraryland and things bookish.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Well that didn't work...

Here in my final semester of my MLIS, I've realized that this blog has been woefully neglected, mostly because I transitioned from being a library student with a full time job, to a full-time librarian finishing her degree. I'm about a year and a half into a dream of a job running a small branch of a larger library community. So, instead of spending time writing about my library school experience, I've been trying to keep ahead of the (steep) learning curve that's part of becoming a practicing librarian.

Things are settling down as my schoolwork is occupying less of my mind, so I'm hoping to start adding some regular features of my library work. Feedback is welcome! Most of my ideas have come from plundering the web and others' ideas, so if my contributions inspire someone to do something, let me know!

So here's to chatting more often and learning more.

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